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Who We Are

Parra Thaanga-Ma recognizes Australia’s First Peoples as the original custodians of the lands and waterways, we thank our Elders both past and present for encouraging us to succeed and adapt to an ever-changing landscape.

Parra Thaanga-Ma means ‘to rise up’ (Parra) and ‘get them excited’ (Thaanga Ma) in our partners Murrawarri language. Murrawarri country is in the far north west of NSW and south east QLD.we help organizations across the sectors to create “Change that Matters”.

Our Purpose  is to listen and guide clients on their digital transformation, address their most critical challenges and create sustainable organizational success.

We have the breadth of offerings to start with a simple request for help and then work with you to get the insights needed and take them to production.

What We Offer

Analytics & BI

Ready for the future? – The “insight challenge”

Application Management

Ready for the future? – The “Automation & Cohesive portfolio management”

Cloud Services

Ready for the future? – The “Digitally driven industry”

Cyber Security

Ready for the future? – The “Effective cyber security response”

Network & Infrasrtucture

Ready for the future? – The “foundation of more effective Network”

Procurement Services

Ready for the future? – The “sustainable competitive advantage through Procurement”

Program & Change

Ready for the future? – The “enterprise wide performance lift through change leadership”


Ready for the future? – Talent driving future innovation

Workplace & Mobility

Ready for the future? – The “compelling user experience”


Delivery framework tailored to our clients need

Whether it is for a huge corporate transformation or just a local application, Parra Thaanga-Ma offers simple & innovative solutions for every business need through.

Business relationship based on trust

We see our relationship with our clients as a true partnership. We invest time and energy in learning your management style, your values and all the things that make your organization unique. Using this, we work through the projects you entrust us with.

Multidisciplinary teams working hand in hand

With our experience, we can determine how appropriate a new technology is as well as its potential for innovation. Moreover, our in-depth study of business architecture provides us with a 360 degree view of how the organization functions as well as its problems.

Focused on change driven by leadership

Whether you just need us to assist or allow us to take full control of implementing your mandate, we make sure you’re always a part of the process. We work with you to ensure your context and culture are respected, so we can help develop your organization’s capacity to face present and future challenges.

Learning & Innovating

We understand that our customers are in a constantly changing state, so we continually pursue new and better ways to assist them. We help customers at every level of their organization, whether as a trusted advisor to top management or as a hands-on support for front line employees. We partner with customers to define and drive strategy into organizational wide outcomes and apply new working methods.

Contact Us

Level 24, Three International Towers, 300 Barangaroo Avenue, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia

1300 901 098

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